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Canadian Red Cross Chpt 4

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1 Canadian Red Cross Chpt 4
Check, Call, Care Canadian Red Cross Chpt 4

2 Check Environment Is it safe for me to enter?
Check for “fire, wire, gas, glass” How did it happen? How many ill or injured people are there? Is there someone to help me? Is anyone unconscious?

3 ABC’s Airway Breathing Circulation
Check person ABC’s Airway Breathing Circulation

4 Check person Does the person respond? Ask “Are you okay?”
If no response, tap their shoulder Does the person want your help?

5 Checking the ABC’s should take no more than 5-10 seconds Check Airway
Check Breathing Check Circulation

6 EMS – Emergency Medical Service AED – Automated External Defibrillator
Call EMS and get an AED EMS – Emergency Medical Service AED – Automated External Defibrillator

7 Care for all life-threatening conditions first

8 Shock Shock is a potentially life-threatening condition in which vital organs do not receive enough oxygen-rich blood Shock can be caused injury, illness, infection or emotion Treat everybody for shock

9 Secondary Survey Only do SS if ABC’s are present Ask SAMPLE questions
Check the quality of the vital signs Do a Head-To-Toe check Always complete the SS before treating any non-life threatening injuries

10 SAMPLE Questions S – Signs and Symptoms (what you See) A – Allergies
M – Medications P – Past Medical History L – Last Meal E – Events leading up to the injury or illness

11 Level of consciousness (LOC) Skin colour Breathing (rate, type)
Vital Signs Level of consciousness (LOC) Skin colour Breathing (rate, type)

12 Hands-off Check Person is conscious and able to respond
If able, and it does not cause pain, ask them to systematically move various parts of the body Note where pain or lack of fuction is occuring You may guide them verbally through this process

13 Hands-on Check Person is unconscious and unable to respond
Do NOT move parts of body if you suspect spinal cord or head injury! Gently touch each part of the body, noting any bleeding, swelling, abnormal spots Begin at head and move down to the feet

14 Continual Care Continue to monitor for ABC’s
Continue to treat for shock Reassure the person and keep them comfortable Continue to assess vital signs







21 Check, Call, Care Canadian Red Cross

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