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Chapter 2 Data Communication Concepts Code Transmission Signal Modulation Service.

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1 Chapter 2 Data Communication Concepts Code Transmission Signal Modulation Service

2 Types of Coding Human code –Morse code –Dot and dash Machine code –Binary states –Binary digit (bit) –Byte

3 Machine Codes Characteristics –Two-state code –Same number of bits –Perfectly formed –Same duration Code points: possible combination Types of characters –Alphanumeric –Format effector –Control (device & transmission)

4 Specific Codes Baudot code American standard code for information interchange (ASCII) Extended binary coded decimal interchange code (EBCDIC) Unicode or ISO10646

5 Baudot Code 5 bits (32 code points) ESC key –Figure shift (uppercase) –Letter shift (lowercase) Teletypewriters before 1965 No error checking

6 American Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII) By American National Standards Institute (ANSI) 7 bits: easy sorting by computers and understand by human Eighth-bit for parity bit (error checking) 6-4 most most significant bits (MSB) 3-0 bits Least significant bits (LSB) Used by microcomputers

7 Extended binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code (EBCDIC) 8-bit code IBM mainframe computers 0-3 most most significant bits (MSB) 4-7 bits Least significant bits (LSB)

8 Unicode or ISO 10646 16-bit By Unicode Consortium for international languages Used by Windows NT

9 Code Conversion Harder from larger no. of bits code to smaller no. of bits code Use ESC mechanism

10 Transmission Equipment Physical Connection Timing Direction

11 Transmission Equipment Data terminal equipment (DTE): computer Data circuit terminating equipment or data communication equipment (DCE): modem

12 Physical Connection Parallel transmission –Fast –Simple –Line cost –Impractical for data communication –Centronics (36 pins) Serial transmission –Complicated transmitter and receive –serial cable, port, DB-25 connector, DB-9 connector, M-block –Serial transmission standard: RS-232-C by EIA Serial/parallel conversion –Universal asynchronous receiver transmitter (UART) Breakout Box

13 RS-232-C Interface Standard Voltage (+5 to +15 for zero, -5 to -15 for one) 25-pin connector for signal –Pin 2 transmitted data –Pin 3 received data –Pin 4 request to send –Pin 5 clear to send –Pin 6 data set ready –Pin 20 data terminal ready –Pin 15 transmit clock –Pin 17 receive clock –Pin 8 carrier detector –Pin 22 ringing indicator

14 Handshaking for Computer and Terminal - I Computer and terminal raise DTR (data terminal ready, 20) signal to modem Modem raise DSR (data set ready, 6) signal Computer raises RTS (request to send, 4) signal Computer’s modem sends a carrier signal

15 Handshaking for Computer and Terminal -II Terminal’s modem detects carrier and raises CD (carrier detect, 8) signal to computer’s modem Computer sends data on TD (transmit data, 2) Computer’s modem modulates data onto the carrier wave Terminal’s modem demodulates data onto RD (received data, 3)

16 Handshaking for Computer and Terminal -III Computer lowers RTS (request to send 4) signal Computer’s modem drops CTS (clear to send, 5) and carrier wave Terminal’s modem drops CD (carrier detect 8) Transmission is complete

17 Transmission Timing Asynchronous transmission –Start/stop bits for character synchronization –Mark (0) /space (1) bits for bit synchronization –Idle line using stop bits –Simple, inexpensive, inefficient, slow speed transmission –For personal computer and terminals Synchronous transmission –Clock circuitry –One to four synchronization characters (SYN) for each block of data at the beginning and end –More efficient –Mainframe computer

18 Transmission Direction Simplex Half-duplex –Two-wire Full-duplex –four-wire or lease line Echo cancellation: digital signal processors (DSP)

19 Transmission Efficiency Types of bits in a character –Information bits –Noninformation bits (parity bit, SYN) Definition: No. of information bits divided by the total no. of bits in a transmission block

20 Signals Types –Digital –Analog Measurement –Signal rate (baud) No. of signal changes (amplitude, frequency, or phase) on a circuit per second –Speed (bps) No. of bits that a circuit can carry in 1 second Bits per second (bps) used for measurement

21 Digital Transmission of Digital Signals Digital transmitter/receiver (data service unit/channel service unit) –Simpler & cheaper –Transmitter for shape the signal, interface between DTE and line –Receiver for protection of excessive voltage, diagnostic and testing

22 Analog Signals Signal frequency –Sine wave –Cycle –Hertz (Hz): frequency per second Kilohertz (kHz) Megahertz (MHz) Gigahertz (gHz) Bandwidth Guard channel or guardband

23 Analog Signals Measurement Amplitude –Loudness Frequency –Vibration speed Phase –Relative position of wave measured in degree –A shift of departure from normal continuous pattern of the wave

24 Modems Modulation and Demodulation Analog lines to transmit digital signals Methods –Amplitude modulation (AM) –Frequency modulation (FM) –Phase modulation (PM) –Quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM)

25 Modulation Amplitude modulation (AM) –Height of the signals –Susceptible to noise and interference Frequency modulation (FM) –Frequency shift keying (FSK) –Width of the signals –Less interference than AM Phase modulation (PM) –Phase shift keying (PSK): a change from 1 to 0, or 0 to 1 –180 degree (1 bit), 90 degree (2 bits), 45 degree (3 bits) Quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM) –Phase and amplitude –16QAM: 16 different events with 4 bits/baud

26 Services –Analog Plain old telephone service (POTS) Voice-grade lease –Narrow-band digital Digital data service (DDS) Digital service level 0 (DS-0) –Broad-band digital T1 T3 –Digital dial-up Integrated services digital network (ISDN) Switched 56K

27 Assignment Review chapters 1-2 Read chapter 3

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