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Network Topologies.

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1 Network Topologies

2 What is Network When you have two or more computers connected to each other, you have a network. The purpose of a network is to enable the sharing of files and information between multiple systems. The Internet could be described as a global network of networks. Computer networks can be connected through cables, such as Ethernet cables or phone lines, or wirelessly, using wireless networking cards that send and receive data through the air.

3 What is Topology Physical
Physical and logical network layout of the network. Physical – actual layout of the computer cables and other network devices Logical – the way in which the network appears to the devices that use it.

4 why does the topology, or shape, of the network matter?
There are a number of reasons: Impacts performance. A factor in determining the media type used to cable the network. Impacts the cost of cabling the network. Some access methods can work only with specific topologies.

5 Network Topologies Network topologies are categorized into the following basic types: Bus Ring Star Tree Mesh .

6 Network Topologies

7 Bus Topology

8 Bus Topology A bus topology is a type of network setup where each computer and network device are connected to a single cable or backbone. A bus topology is multipoint.

9 How Bus Topology Works The bus is the data link in a bus network.
The bus can only transmit data in one direction, and if any network segment is severed, all network transmission ceases. A host on a bus network is called a station or workstation. In a bus network, every station receives all network traffic. The traffic generated by each station has equal transmission priority

10 Advantages of Bus Topology
Easy to connect a computer or peripheral to a linear bus Requires less cable length than a star topology It works well for small networks.

11 Disadvantages of Bus Topology
Entire network shuts down if there is a break in the main cable Terminators are required at both ends of the backbone cable Difficult to identify the problem if the entire network shuts down Not meant to be used as a stand-alone solution in a large building It is slow when more devices are added into the network If a main cable is damaged then network will fail or be split into two networks

12 Applications of Bus Topology
Used for broadcasting the message. Most Computer Motherboards. Used in LAN.

13 Star Topology

14 Star Topology All the components of network are connected to the central device called “hub” which may be a hub, a router or a switch. There is no direct traffic between devices. The switch is the server and the peripherals are the clients. The star topology reduces the damage caused by line failure by connecting all of the systems to a central node.

15 Advantages of Star Topology
better performance. Performance of the network is dependent on the capacity of central hub. Easy to connect new nodes or devices. In star topology new nodes can be added easily without affecting rest of the network. Components can also be removed easily. Centralized management. It helps in monitoring the network. Failure of one node or link doesn’t affect the rest of network.. Easy to detect the failure and troubleshoot it.

16 Disadvantages of Star Topology
Too much dependency on central device has its own drawbacks. If hub fails whole network goes down. The use of hub, a router or a switch as central device increases the overall cost of the network. Performance and number of nodes which can be added in such topology is depended on capacity of central device

17 Applications of Star Topology
Star Topology used in Local Area Network (LAN). High speed LAN often use Star Topology.

18 Ring Topology

19 Ring Topology Devices are connected to each other in a circular shape.
Each packet is sent around the ring until it reaches its final destination. Data travel from node to node, with each node along the way handling every packet.

20 Advantages of Ring Topology
Ring Topology is very organized. Each node gets to send the data when it receives an empty token. This helps to reduces chances of collision. All the traffic flows in only one  direction at very high speed. Better performance than Bus topology. There is no need for network server to control the connectivity between workstations. Additional components do not affect the performance of network. Each computer has equal access to resources.

21 Disadvantages of Ring Topology
One broken workstation can create problems for the entire network. Moving, adding and changing the devices can affect the network. Communication delay is directly proportional to number of nodes in the network. Bandwidth is shared on all links between devices. More difficult to configure than a Star.

22 Applications of Ring Topology
Ring Topologies are often found in office Buildings. Also used in Schools for networking. Today high speed LAN made this topology less popular.

23 Mesh Topology

24 Mesh Topology

25 Mesh Topology A mesh network is a network topology in which each node (called a mesh node) relays data for the network. All nodes cooperate in the distribution of data in the network. A mesh network can be designed using a flooding technique or a routing technique.

26 Advantages of Mesh Topology
Data can be transmitted from different devices simultaneously. This topology can withstand high traffic. If one of the components fails there is always an alternative present. Data transfer doesn’t get affected. Expansion and modification in topology can be done without disrupting other nodes.

27 Disadvantages of Mesh Topology
There are high chances of redundancy in many of the network connections. Overall cost of this network is way too high as compared to other network topologies. Set-up and maintenance of this topology is very difficult.

28 Applications of Mesh Topology
Telephone Regional Office. Wide Area Network.

29 Tree Topology

30 Tree Topology

31 Tree Topology Tree Topology integrates the characteristics of Star and Bus topology. The number of Star networks are connected using Bus. Main cable seems like a main stem of a tree, and other star networks as the branches. It is also called Expanded Star Topology. Ethernet protocol is commonly used in this type of topology.

32 Advantages of Tree Topology
It is an extension of Star and bus Topologies, so in networks where these topologies can't be implemented individually for reasons related to scalability, tree topology is the best alternative. Expansion of Network is possible and easy. Divide the whole network into segments (star networks), which can be easily managed and maintained. Error detection and correction is easy. Each segment is provided with dedicated point-to-point wiring to the central hub. If one segment is damaged, other segments are not affected.

33 Disadvantages of Tree Topology
Because of its basic structure, tree topology, relies heavily on the main bus cable, if it breaks whole network is crippled. As more and more nodes and segments are added, the maintenance becomes difficult. Scalability of the network depends on the type of cable .

34 Comparison Between Topologies
Bus topology uses one main cable to which all nodes are directly connected. The main cable acts as a backbone for the network. One of the computers in the network typically acts as the computer server. Star topology each computer is connected to a central hub using a point-to-point connection. The central hub can be a computer server that manages the network, or it can be a much simpler device that only makes the connections between computers over the network possible. Star topology is very popular because the startup costs are low. It is also easy to add new nodes to the network.

35 Comparison Between Topologies
Bus topology uses one main cable to which all nodes are directly connected. The main cable acts as a backbone for the network. One of the computers in the network typically acts as the computer server. Star topology each computer is connected to a central hub using a point-to-point connection. The central hub can be a computer server that manages the network, or it can be a much simpler device that only makes the connections between computers over the network possible. Star topology is very popular because the startup costs are low. It is also easy to add new nodes to the network.

36 Comparison Between Topologies
Ring topology the computers in the network are connected in a circular fashion, and the data travels in one direction. Each computer is directly connected to the next computer, forming a single pathway for signals through the network. This type of network is easy to install and manage. mesh topology, every node has a direct point-to-point connection to every other node. Because all connections are direct, the network can handle very high-volume traffic. It is also robust because if one connection fails, the others remain intact. Security is also high since data travels along a dedicated connection. This type of topology requires a lot of cables and is, therefore, expensive.

37 Comparison Between Topologies
Tree topology combines multiple star topologies onto a bus. Hub devices for each star topology are connected to the bus. Each hub is like the root of a tree of devices. This provides great flexibility for expanding and modifying the network.

38 Conclusion Understanding the different topologies and networks available will allow any business or individual to determine the network that will best suit the business or individual needs and will help to establish the correct expectations. Knowing what budget constraints exist for the business or individual as well as what the physical constraints of where the network is to be located will help the stakeholders make the correct decisions on which topology and network would be most beneficial to them.

39 Future Work How new topology can be established with the combination of other topologies that should be : Reliable in terms of Data Transmission. Maintain within budget. Efficient.


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