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Presentation on theme: "IMPORTANCE OF TECHNOLOGY IN OUR SOCIETY"— Presentation transcript:


2 CONTENTS:- Introduction Importance of Technology in Education
Importance of Technology in Business Importance of Technology in health Care Importance of Technology in Agriculture Importance of Technology in Travel Importance of Technology in communication Importance of Technology in Industrial Operations Conclusion References

3 INTRODUCTION Technology is an essential part of our lives today and few can imagine living without. We achieved a lot with the help of technology. Technology shapes the future and it can help to make it compatible with nature. Technology refers to the use of tools, gadgets and resources that help us control and adapt to our environment. It also refers to the use of machines and utensils which make our daily lives simpler and more organized. Technology is the basis of a society, and it affects all civilizations past, present, and future. Technology is like Newton's third law of motion, "For every action there is an opposite reaction.

4 Technology has many benefits but at the same time it can have negative consequences.
Technology affects our society significantly. For example one of the most advanced inventions is the computer. The computer might be considered the greatest invention ever (next to the telephone and light bulb) and we are constantly finding new ways to improve it. Computers influence many aspects of our lives, including: medicine, communications, mathematics, entertainment, business, agriculture, and all other sciences.

. Modern technology can be considered a direct consequence of the innovations and studies in the fields of science and engineering. Importance of Technology in Education Technology plays a significant role in the educational field. Math, reading and writing skills can all be improved using technological advances. Students can prepare for their future using educational materials that are easily available. Teachers are able to deliver content effortlessly to students and can also research complex subjects in the classrooms itself. Technology encourages learning in a positive manner. It improves students’ skill sets.

6 Business technology has helped improve communication.
Importance of Technology in Business Technology has also helped small businesses evolve and expand quickly. The use of social networking, video conferencing, virtual office tools and other such techniques have removed all boundaries, which, in the past, prevented growth. Business technology has helped improve communication. Employers are able to screen, recruit and hire potential candidates quickly; they are also able to inform about vacancies to larger number of applicants. Personality and IQ assessment tools have also been made available to employers and these make the screening process a lot smoother and streamlined

7 Importance of Technology in Healthcare
The importance of technology in healthcare can be summarized with this single sentence:  “Technology saves lives”. Creation of social support networks for patients. Self management tools and resources that patients can use with ease. Easy access to accurate and actionable health information for patients and families. Quick communication and resolution of health risks and public health emergencies. Provision of newer opportunities to culturally diverse and hard to access nations. Improvement of quality and safety in health care. Improved public health infrastructure.

8 Importance of Technology in Healthcare (Cont…)
Facilitation of clinical and consumer decision making. Development of health skills. Health technology has improved organization and efficiency. It has helped to eliminate ambiguity and every record right from the billing to diagnostic and treatment can be maintained for easy access for healthcare providers. By using software and hardware tools, profiles of patients can be created so doctors can provide standardized treatment. This helps improve patient outcomes and thus reduces cost of health care.

9 . Importance of Technology in Agriculture
Agriculture has seen huge improvements because of the advances in technology. Technology has allowed farmers to grow better crops in a smaller space and get a higher yield per acre. Harvesting food and transporting it across the country is much easier with the advances in farming equipment and trucking equipment. The preservation methods pertaining to food also allow farmers and food manufacturers to transport fresh, frozen, or prepared foods to multiple locations across the world without the food becoming spoiled.

10 . Importance of Technology in Travel
An important impact of technology on society has been travel. Advances in trains, planes, and cars, traveling has become a favorite past time for many people. In larger cities, many people avoid owning cars due to the availability of inexpensive public transportation usually by train. Plane flights are also very safe and people can travel from one country to another in less than a day. This improvement is made possible by engineers, architects, and other professionals who wanted to increase opportunities for any person to see and travel throughout the world.

11 Importance of Technology in Communication
Almost everyone today has a phone, a computer, and uses both to communicate with their friends, family, and business. Technology has changed the way that people communicate. Skype is a video chat option that is one of the newer technologies in communication. Skype is also used by business for conference calls and has multiple uses, allowing people to communicate much more effectively, no matter where they are located.

12 Importance of Technology in Industrial Operations
Technology helps companies in managing changes in operations. Companies have reduced costs by making a revision of business processes and removing actions that customers find it less valuable. Both businesses and consumers have benefited from improvements driven by technology such as online ordering, traveling without obtaining tickets physically and inventory time management.

13 We tend to think of inventions as modern gadgets, yet there are Stone Age innovations that we still use today. Think of inventions that still exists in the 21st century. Some examples might be farming, cooking, games etc. Society pushes us to invent and innovate new products every day. We as a society demand more and better products all the time. Do we stop to look at the affect this has on us as a society and a nation. Stop and think about how technology effects you both positively and negatively every day.

14 Conclusion There are numerous benefits from technology. It is remarkable how a society can easily adapt and never cease to ask questions. Our collective consciousness, with its curiosity, has brought the human life to a place where we can refrigerate our food instead of hunting like our ancestors did. Prior to technological advancement, there were no established societies. The positive effects of technology on society has brought progress and allowed us to reach new heights that were never conceived of before. Without science and technology we are left stagnant.

15 References:-



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