How to Write a Good Article Feature Articles. A feature article appears in a newspaper or magazine to inform, persuade or entertain the audience. Feature.


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Presentation transcript:

How to Write a Good Article Feature Articles

A feature article appears in a newspaper or magazine to inform, persuade or entertain the audience. Feature articles are detailed pieces of writing that explore a range of issues, opinions, experiences and ideas. The purpose of a feature article will vary depending on the media it is meant for.

Feature Articles  A feature article addresses social, cultural or political issues, and is more detailed that news report.  The writer uses the feature article to express his/her opinion on the chosen subject matter.  Feature articles should appeal to the particular audience the article is targeting.

Feature Articles  Feature-article writers are often regular contributors who have particular expertise or interest in their subject or topic.  Article writers go beyond just the facts on the surface; they add colour, detail, background and personal comment.  The appeal of a feature article is usually the personal perspective on offer.

Feature Articles “Feature articles are not just dry facts; they provide story and information from a unique angle."

Feature Articles Steps To Writing A Feature Article  Brainstorm ideas.  What’s the purpose?  Research your topic.  Grab the reader's attention.  Keep that attention.  Leave an impression.

Feature Articles Structure Like any form of writing, a feature article follows a standard structure. A feature article should always include:  A headline;  Lead paragraph & by-line ;  Body paragraphs;  A suitable image; and  A concluding paragraph.

Feature Articles The headline performs some important functions. An effective headline:  Grabs readers’ attention and persuades them to read the article;  Highlights the main idea of the article;  Includes keywords.  Method in his Madness!  Richard the Great?  Women...What Women?  The Machiavellian Villain? The Machiavellian Villain?  It's About Me as an American Actor Headline

Feature Articles  Rowan Templeton challenges...  Investigative journalist Bruce Webber explores...  Undercover exposé by literary critic Tina Jones...  Brian Smith reporting... By-lines tell who wrote an article. They are a small element in the design of books, magazines, newspapers or newsletters, but certainly important to the author. In some cases, by-lines may be used to give credit for photographs or illustrations. By-Line

Feature Articles Lead Paragraph The lead paragraph outlines the subject or theme of the article, it may also:  Provoke the reader's interest by making an unusual statement.  Provide any necessary background information.  Invite the reader to take sides by making a controversial statement.  Heighten the drama of an event or incident to intensify its appeal.  Establish the writer's tone.  Create a relationship between the writer and the reader.

Feature Articles – Sample Lead Paragraphs It has been nearly four hundred years since Shakespeare's fellow actors and theatrical partners, John Heminge and Henry Condell, addressed the First Folio of Shakespeare's collected works "To the great Variety of Readers. From the most able, to him that can but spell," yet those who know and love Shakespeare best are still trying to convince the mainstream populace that Shakespeare is for everyone. High-spirited and infectiously energetic, Al Pacino's "Looking for Richard" is a master class in Shakespeare and acting conducted by an uncommonly passionate and delightful teacher. Ranging from New York's streets to the reconstructed Globe Theatre in London, talking with everyone from strangers encountered by chance to scholars and celebrated actors, Pacino is the voluble, mercurial centre of a film that ingeniously interweaves commentary on Shakespeare with analysis of, rehearsals for and key segments from a "Richard III" on film.

Feature Articles Subject/Theme Your subject and/or theme is the clothesline to which you will peg your:  Text quotes;  Techniques;  Interviews;  Opinions; and  Anecdotes.

Feature Articles Body Paragraphs The body of the feature article consists of a number of paragraphs that expand on the main topic. These paragraphs should be sequenced in a logical order. The body can include any the following components:  Sub-headings;  Facts and statistics that support the writer's opinion;  Personal viewpoints;  Opinions from authorities and experts.

Feature Articles Body paragraphs continued...  Quotes and interviews;  Anecdotes and stories;  Specific names, places and dates; and  An appropriate image(s).... A spin that grabs the readers so they connect with what you have written.

Feature Articles Conclusion The concluding paragraph should leave a lasting impression by:  Reminding the reader of the article's main idea;  Suggesting an appropriate course of action;  Encouraging a change of attitude or opinion.