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Internet of Things (Ref: Slideshare)

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1 Internet of Things (Ref: Slideshare)

2 Contents Introduction/Overview The Internet of Things
Applications of IoT Challenges and Barriers in IoT Future of IoT


4 Internet Revolution

5 Impact of the Internet Education Business Communications Entertainment
Medical/Health Impact of the Internet

6 Internet Usage and Population Statistics

7 Connected World

8 Typical Views of the Internet of Things
Industrial Automation Smart Health Smart City Smart Home

9 What is the Internet of Things

10 The Internet of Things “Internet of Objects” “Machine-to-Machine Era” “Internet of Everything” (1) The Internet of Things, also called The Internet of Objects, refers to a wireless network between objects, usually the network will be wireless and self-configuring, such as household appliances. ------Wikipedia (2) Internet of Things refers to the concept that the Internet is no longer just a global network for people to communicate with one another using computers, but it is also a platform for devices to communicate electronically with the world around them.” --Center for Data and Innovation

11 The Internet of Things (3) The term "Internet of Things" has come to describe a number of technologies and research disciplines that enable the Internet to reach out into the real world of physical objects. ------IoT 2008 (4) “Things having identities and virtual personalities operating in smart spaces using intelligent interfaces to connect and communicate within social, environmental, and user contexts”. IoT in 2020

12 The Internet of Things The term Internet of Things was first used by Kevin Ashton in 1999. Refers to uniquely identifiable objects (things) and their virtual representations in an Internet-like structure

13 Complex Access Technologies
Characteristics Ambient Intelligence Flexible Structure Internet of Things Event Driven AI: the autonomous and intelligent entities will act in full interoperability & will be able to auto-organize themselves depending on the context, circumstances or environment. ED is to design the scheme depending on the need FS means that hundreds and thousands of nodes will be disable and will be set to run. CAT means that there’s several kinds of media such as vehicle stone that they need different access technologies. SS is the machine can rend and send by themselves. No need to tell humanbeings Semantic Sharing Complex Access Technologies

14 Enabling Technologies
RFID Sensor Smart Tech Nano Tech To identify and track the data of things To collect and process the data to detect the changes in the physical status of things To enhance the power of the network by devolving processing capabilities to different part of the network. To make the smaller and smaller things have the ability to connect and interact. machine-to-machine interfaces and protocols of electronic communication microcontrollers wireless communication RFID Energy harvesting technologies sensor technology Location technology Software IPv6


16 Technical Perspective
Sensing Layer Communication Layer Management Layer

17 Applications of IoT Management Education Retail IoT Applications Food
Logistics Logistics – Tagging items on a UPS truck (now they use barcodes to be scanned) but not real-time. Using the newer technology all is in realtime. Pharmaceuticals

18 Management: Data management Waste management Urban planning
Production management ...

19 Logistics: Warehouse, management Port management Executable code …
Inventory control Port management ETAs, ETDs Ships, boats, containers, etc. Executable code


21 Retail: Intelligent shopping Bar code in retail Electronic tags

22 Intelligent tags for drugs Drug usage tracking
Pharmaceuticals : Intelligent tags for drugs Drug usage tracking Pharma. Product websites --> Enable the emergency treatment to be given faster and more correct waste management, urban planning, sustainable urban environment, continous care, emergency response, intelligent shopping, smart product management, smart meters, home automation and smart events Pharma. – Doctors managing patience during the day – realtime - managing heart rate, Temperature, etc.

23 Food: Control geographical origin Food production management
Nutrition calculations Prevent overproduction and shortage Control food quality, health and safety. waste management, urban planning, sustainable urban environment, continous care, emergency response, intelligent shopping, smart product management, smart meters, home automation and smart events

24 INTERNET OF THINGS Education – When researching items and tagging them (Radio Frequency Identification) the data can be collected and monitored over a time period.

25 School Administration
Attendance Management Voting System Automatic Feedback Loops Instructional technology Media Infor­ma­tion management Foreign language learning Infor­ma­tion management: research data

26 Smart Things Timeline

27 Challenges and Issues Issues Society: People, security, privacy
A policy for people in the Internet of Things: Legislation Environmental aspects Resource efficiency Pollution and disaster avoidance Technological Architecture (edge devices, servers, discovery services, security, etc.) Governance, naming, identity, interfaces Service openness, interoperability Connections of real and virtual world Standards Legislation: mandatory that policy keeps up with technology so that citizens gain confidence in the new technology People’s momentarily context and roles can determine their attitudes towards new technology. An employee will resist his boss’ access to his or her mailbox while the same person may demand the same insight into the mailboxes of subordinates.

28 Challenges and Issues IoT will inherit the drawbacks of the current internet on an infinitely larger, but more invisible scale Privacy – will be a huge issue when implementing IoT Identity - Online Fragmentation of Identity Efficiency – speed - person loses identity and is an IP address Decisions – do not delegate too much of our decision making and freedom of choice to things and machines Balancing

29 Challenges and Issues Transition to IPv6 – Internet protocol v6
Estalishing a common set of standards between companies, educational systems, and nations. The same type of cabling, The same applications or programming The same protocol or set of rules that will apply to all Developing energy sources for millions -even billions - of sensors. Wind Solar, Hydro-electric

30 Technology Roadmap of IoT

31 Future of IoT

32 IoT Landscape

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