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Module 5 Problems Unit 3 Language in use Teaching Aims and Demands: To summarise and consolidate grammar focus : if –clause. To summarise and consolidate.

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2 Module 5 Problems Unit 3 Language in use

3 Teaching Aims and Demands: To summarise and consolidate grammar focus : if –clause. To summarise and consolidate the expressions and vocabulary. Writing a problem page for a magazine. Affection and attitudes: Share opinions with the others.

4 If I play well, I’ll play the solo. If the teacher chooses Kylie, she’ll play the dance music. If she becomes a star, her parents won’t send her away.

5 1.Eat some breakfast, or you’ll get hungry at school. If you don’t eat some breakfast, you’ll get hungry at school. 2.Hurry up! We’ll be late. If you don’t hurry up, we’ll be late. 3.Read the instructions carefully. Then you’ll know what to do. If you read the instructions carefully, you’ll know what to do.

6 1.-how can I remember my friends’ birthday? -If______________________________________________ (keep a note in your diary / not forget). 2.-It’s late, but I don’t want to go to sleep. -If _____________________________________________ (not get enough sleep/ feel tired at school). 3.-I don’t like speaking English outside the classroom. -If_____________________________________________ (not practise / not improve). Complete the sentences (I): you keep a note in your diary, you won’t forget. you don’t get enough sleep, you’ll feel tired at school. you don’t practise, you won’t improve.

7 4. -Should I tell my teacher I don’t understand the homework? -If_______________________________________________ (not tell her / she not able to help you). 5.-Is it OK if I watch TV for six hours? -If_______________________________________________ (you watch too much / eyes hurt). you don’t tell her, she won’t be able to help you. you watch too much TV, your eyes will hurt.

8 Complete the sentences: 1. If you keep a note in your diary, you won’t forget. 2. If you don’t get enough sleep, you’ll feel tired at school. 3. If you don’t practice speaking English, you won’t improve your English. 4. If you don’t tell her, she won’t be able to help you. 5. If you watch too much TV, your eyes will hurt.

9 Complete the sentences so that they are true for you: 1. I’ll be really happy if… 2. We’ll do well in English if… 3. My parents will be angry if… 4. If it rains next Saturday,…. 5. If I get some money for my birthday,….

10 honest keep mend pocket money problem proud refused terrible terrible pocket money May: What’s up? You look really unhappy. Kate: yes, I feel ________ about something I did. May: Tell me about it. Maybe I can help you. Kate: Well, I needed some new shoes to wear to a party. But I didn’t have enough _____________ to buy any. So I asked my sister if I could wear her new shoes. Complete the conversation.

11 problem refused keep proud May: That was nice of her. Kate: No, you see, that’s the __________. She ________ to let me wear them, because she wants to ______ them new for her 16th birthday party. They were expensive. She saved up a lot of money to buy them, and she’s really ______ of them. But I took them when she was out, and I wore them to the party. And on my way home, I fell, and one of the shoes is broken now.

12 mend honest May: Can you ______ them? Kate: No, I don’t think anyone will be able to do that. May: Mmm, that does sound serious. But if you aren’t ________, she’ll be even angrier with you. Kate: I know you’re right.

13 after all at least at the end of good at angry with be proud of spend time angry with good at spend time proud of My grades aren’t very good, and my parents are ___________ me. I told them that I worked hard at school. The problem is, I’m just not __________ schoolwork. They say I ___________ playing basketball when I should be studying. It’s true that I play a lot of basketball. I’m in the school team. _________, basketball is something great and can ________. I want to be in the national team. Complete the passage At least

14 at the end of After all My uncle has offered to help me train, but how can I get my parents to agree? You should also work every hard at school. If your grades are better _____________ next term, your parents won’t worry so much. Then you can ask your uncle to talk to your parents._________, he thinks you are good at it. Maybe your parents will listen to him.

15 Work in pairs. Read the problems and give advice. A I’ve got a Saturday job in a library. Last week, I was doing my homework at the library instead of tidying up the bookshelves. I saw someone from my school come into the library and steal a book. The problem is, he saw me doing my homework instead of my job. He said, “If you tell anyone, I’ll tell everyone what you were doing wrong!” What should I do? Kate

16 B My best friend Linda and I both love acting and singing. I’ve just found out I’ve got the biggest part in the school play. Linda’s only got a small part. She’s really unhappy about it. I feel sorry for her. I know she wants me to refuse the big part. She says that’s what a good friend should do. But it’s really important to me. What should I do? Susan

17 C My friend Peter finds maths very difficult. He wants me to let him copy my homework. I want to refuse because I think it’s dishonest, but I don’t want Peter to get into trouble with his parents. They have warned him about not working hard. And he does work hard– It’s just that he doesn’t understand the work. Helen

18 Answer the questions. What do the speakers think will happen if … 1 Kate doesn’t tell the manager about the boy stealing? She’ll lose her job. 2 The manager finds out that Kate was doing her homework instead of tidying the shelves? The manager will be angry.

19 3 Susan tells the teachers what Linda wants her to do? Linda will lose her part and Susan’ll lose her friend. 4 Susan refuses the biggest part in the play? She’ll lose the chance to make her parents proud of her. 5 Helen lets Peter copy her work? She’ll be dishonest herself. 6 Helen tells Peter’s parents about his problem? They’ll be able to help him.

20 1)Read the passage and give advice. 2)Choose one of the problems and write a reply. Say what will or won’t happen in each possible situation.

21 Around the world

22 Problem page Who is an “agony aunt”? Why is this person called “aunt”? Are the questions real? Are there similar pages available on the Internet these days?


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