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Session: 2013-2014. Students must be assessed to help: them know their strengths and weaknesses. the teachers in carrying out remedial work with the students.

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Presentation on theme: "Session: 2013-2014. Students must be assessed to help: them know their strengths and weaknesses. the teachers in carrying out remedial work with the students."— Presentation transcript:

1 Session: 2013-2014

2 Students must be assessed to help: them know their strengths and weaknesses. the teachers in carrying out remedial work with the students. Students must be assessed to help: them know their strengths and weaknesses. the teachers in carrying out remedial work with the students.


4 Scholastic - Subject specific areas. Co-Scholastic - Life skills, attitudes & values and other co curricular activities Includes a variety of tools and techniques for assessment of the learners. Scholastic - Subject specific areas. Co-Scholastic - Life skills, attitudes & values and other co curricular activities Includes a variety of tools and techniques for assessment of the learners.


6 Type of Weightage of Month Term wise assessment assessment

7 Total Formative Assessments (FA)= FA1+FA2+FA3+FA4=40% Summative Assessments (SA)= SA1+SA2=60% Total Formative Assessments (FA)= FA1+FA2+FA3+FA4=40% Summative Assessments (SA)= SA1+SA2=60%

8 Minimum qualifying grade in Scholastic Domain is D.

9 towards

10 Minimum qualifying grade in Co-Scholastic Domain is D.

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38 2A LIFE SKILLS Thinking Skills10x5=50 Social Skills10x5=50 Emotional Skills10x5=50 2BWork Education10x5=50 2CVisual Arts / Performing Arts10x5=50 2D ATTITUDES & VALUES Attitude Towards Teachers10x5=50 Attitude Towards Schoolmates10x5=50 Attitude towards School Programmes & Environment 10x5=50

39 1To abide by the constitution and respect its ideals and institutions, the National Flag and the National Anthem 4X5=20 2To cherish and follow the noble ideals which inspired freedom struggle4X5=20 3To uphold and protect the sovereignty, unity and integrity of India4X5=20 4To defend the country and render national service when called upon to do so4X5=20 5To promote harmony and spirit of unity, brotherhood amongst all the people of India transcending religious, linguistic and regional or sectional diversities; to remove the practices derogatory to the dignity of women 4X5=20 6To value and preserve the rich heritage of our culture4X5=20 7To protect and improve natural environment4X5=20 8To develop scientific temper and the spirit of enquiry4X5=20 9To safeguard public property and to abjure violence4X5=20 10To strive towards excellence in all spheres of individual and collective activity which leads to higher level of performance 4X5=20

40 3A Co-Curricular Activities (Any Two) Literary and Creative Skills 10x5=50 Scientific Skills Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Organizational and Leadership Skills 3B Health and Physical Education (Any Two) 1. Sports/ Indigenous sports 2. NCC 3. NSS 4. Scouting and Guiding 5. Swimming 6. Gymnastics 7. Yoga 8. First Aid 9. Gardening 10. Shramdaan 10x5=50



43 Policy for upscaling of grades in scholastic areas on the basis of total grade points obtained in co- scholastic areas/activities. a) Those Students who get total grade points in co-scholastic areas/ activities in the range 53-65 may benefit by getting upgraded to the next higher grade in two subjects in scholastic areas. b) Those students who get total grade points in the range 40-52, may benefit by getting upgraded to the next higher grade in one subject in scholastic area. c) The upscaling of Grade in Scholastic Areas is applicable in Main Subject only (i.e. excluding Additional 6th Subject). d) No Grade should be upscaled twice. e) No upscaling is done if the Grade obtained in the subject is E2 or A1. f) Upscaling is done from lowest grade to next higher grade and so on.

44 (Example : E1 be upscaled to D, D to C2, C2 to C1, C1 to B2, B2 to B1, B1 to A2 and A2 to A1) g) In case of tie in Grades in two or more subjects (i.e. if Grades obtained are same), the upscaling be done in following order : Higher marks obtained in the subject be preferred In case of tie in marks, higher marks obtained in Summative Assessments (SA1+SA2) In case of tie in Summative Assessments marks, higher marks obtained in Formative Assessments (FA1+FA2+FA3+FA4)

45 h) Benefit shall be given to the students who win I/II positions/prizes in competitions held at state level and/or participation in competitions held at national/international level organised by a body recognized by the state/central Government/CBSE. Any competition organised by such agencies related to the co-scholastic areas/ activities included in the Boards CCE card may be considered for giving this benefit. Those students who qualify under this provision will benefit by getting their grade up-scaled to the next higher grade in two subjects provided this benefit has not been given to the student under the aforesaid grade point scheme.

46 5 marks have been allotted for assessment on Educosoft on-line study for each of the formative assessments, namely FA1, FA2, FA3 and FA4. The break-up of (5)marks is as under – ScienceMath Home Work3 2 On-line study 2 2 Practice Test- 1


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