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Excel 2007 What You Should Have Learned about Excel had You Been Paying Attention.

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Presentation on theme: "Excel 2007 What You Should Have Learned about Excel had You Been Paying Attention."— Presentation transcript:

1 Excel 2007 What You Should Have Learned about Excel had You Been Paying Attention

2 Excel 2003 Vs 2007 What’s New?

3 The Quick Access Toolbar, MS Office Button, Mini Toolbar & Ribbon The MS Office Button, Quick Access Toolbar and the Ribbon replace the menu, Standard and Formatting Toolbars in Excel 2003.

4 Quick Access Toolbar Located next to the MS Office Button, the Quick Access Toolbar offers one-click access to the most widely used office functions. By default, there are 3 buttons Save, New, and Open. Click on the arrow next to the toolbar, to open the customize menu Click the checkbox next to each feature to add and more options to the toolbar This is a New Feature

5 The MS Office Button replaces the File menu

6 The MS Office Button The MS Office Button is a New Feature of Excel 2007. This button is the access point to Create New Excel Workbooks Open Save Print Close This Button replaces the File menu

7 The MS Office Button The MS Office Button also houses Recently opened presentations Convert converts Excel files into the 2007 Format Prepare to finalize presentations for distribution Send which distributes presentations through facsimile or email Publish to distribute a presentation to a server or shared workspace Excel Options (previously located under the Tools menu)

8 The Mini Toolbar The Mini Toolbar is a menu of frequently used formatting tools that appears when text is highlighted in a Excel Workbook. New Feature

9 Menus and Toolbars - 2003 Formula Bar Formatting Toolbar Standard Toolbar In Excel 2003, different functions within Excel are accessed through the Menu Bar, Standard Toolbar, the Formatting Toolbar, and the Formula Bar menu Toolbar

10 The Ribbon Commands: Buttons, boxes or menus relating to specific functions within Excel Tabs: 8 tabs representing common related activities Groups: Sections containing Related items or tasks Formula Bar: Shows Excel Formulas Office 2007 is arranged differently. All menus are located within tabs on a menu bar called the ribbon

11 Key Tips Key Tips are shortcuts to tab and menu options on the Ribbon. Push the alt key to show the Key Tips, then push the corresponding letter on the keyboard to activate the Key Tip. New Feature

12 The Charts Group The Charts group: This feature replaces of the Chart Wizard. Instead of sorting through the Wizard, users choose a Chart Style, this opens the Chart Tools tab, which offers options for Chart Design, Layout & Formatting.

13 The Chart Design tab The Type group: Change Chart styles (Step 1: Chart Wizard). The Data group: Data relationship options (Step 2). The Chart Layout group: Chart layout options (Step 3). The Chart Styles group: Color editing options (Step 3). The Location group: Chart placement options (step 4).

14 The Chart Layout tab The Layout tab edits the layout of the chart for such items as: Objects, Labels, Axis, Background and Analysis Properties.

15 The Chart Format tab The Format tab offers options for formatting charts including shapes, WordArt, chart arrangement and chart size.

16 Charts

17 Charts Graphic representation of data in a Worksheet Category labels (descriptive entries) Data points (numeric data) Data Points are grouped into Data Series which are represented by the data in a worksheet In order to create an effective chart, you need to know what you want the char to tell you

18 Labels and Data Points Category Labels Data Points (each entry) Data Series (All data in row)

19 Pie Chart Proportional relationships What percentage of sale is represented by what product? The total sales is the entire chart The total sales of each product, as a percentage of sales is represented by a slice of the pie Pie Carts are best read when there is a limited number (<7) of categories

20 Exploded Pie Chart Separates one or more slices of the pie for emphasis

21 Column Charts Uses actual numbers rather than percentages Data represented vertically Data is according to the X and Y axis

22 Bar Charts Data represented horizontally Data is according to the X and Y axis Bar charts have the advantage in that their long bars can better accentuate differences

23 Creating a Chart Charts can be Embedded in the worksheet As a separate chart sheet Any data change in the worksheet will automatically change the data in the chart Charts are created using the Chart group

24 Create a Chart Open the worksheet Chart Select A1 through B7 Click on the Insert tab, and choose Column from the Chart group Choose 3D column

25 Edit a Chart This will open the Design tab In the Data group, click Switch Row/Column In the Location group, choose New Sheet The chart is on a separate page

26 Edit a Chart On the Layout tab, choose Chart Title from the Label group Choose a Title Type Type M & M’s as the title

27 Edit a Chart Open the Format tab Choose Shape Fill from the Shape styles group Click on the first column of the chart ( blue ) change the color to red to match the colors listed in the legend. Colors are chosen by clicking on a color from the shape fill menu Repeat until chart column colors match the colors listed on the legend

28 Edit a Chart Click the Design tab Click Change Chart Type Change the chart to a Pie chart In the Data group, click Switch Row/Column The chart should look like this

29 Editing Charts Through the Spreadsheet Click on cell B7 Change the quantity of Brown M&M’s to 10 and push Enter Note the chart changes Repeat the process and change Blue to 24

30 Linking Worksheets to Documents

31 Linking an Excel Worksheet with a Word Document Click on the M&M Chart Copy the chart Open a Word Document Click Edit and Paste Special

32 Linking an Excel Worksheet with a Word Document Click Paste Link Click Microsoft Excel Chart Object Click OK

33 Linking an Excel Worksheet with a Word Document In Word, Double-click on the sections of the pie of the chart, this will open the Chart in Excel Change the colors to match the colors of the M&Ms Save both the Word and Excel documents Open the Word document

34 Linking an Excel Worksheet with a Word Document The worksheet and the document are linked. If the link is broken by moving one of the items to another location (for example moving the items to another computer), the link must be re-established. In order to keep both items portable, make sure that the link remains in tact by re-copying and re-pasting after the documents are moved.

35 Questions? Terence Peak, M.Ed. Coordinator of Technology Training Blackboard Certified Trainer The University of the Incarnate Word (210) 829-3920

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