Maths In Everyday Life Done By Niveda P X E.


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Presentation transcript:

Maths In Everyday Life Done By Niveda P X E

At Home Some people aren't even out of bed before encountering math. Setting an alarm and hitting snooze, they may quickly need to calculate the new time they will arise. Or they might step on a bathroom scale and decide that they’ll skip those extra calories at lunch. People on medication need to understand different dosages, whether in grams or milliliters. Recipes call for ounces and cups and teaspoons --all measurements, all math. And decorators need to know that the dimensions of their furnishings and rugs will match the area of their rooms.

In Travel Travelers often consider their miles-per-gallon when fueling up for daily trips, but they might need to calculate anew when faced with obstructionist detours and consider the cost in miles, time and money. Air travelers need to know departure times and arrival schedules. They also need to know the weight of their luggage unless they want to risk some hefty baggage surcharges. Once on board, they might enjoy some common aviation-related math such as speed, altitude and flying time.

At School And Work Students can’t avoid math -- most take it every day. However, even in history and English classes they may need to know a little math. Whether looking at time expanses of decades, centuries or eras or calculating how they’ll bring that B in English to an A, they’ll need some basic math skills. Jobs in business and finance may require sophisticated knowledge of how to read profit and earning statements or how to decipher graph analyses. However, even hourly earners will need to know if their working hours times their rate of pay accurately reflects their paychecks.

At The Store Whether buying coffee or a car, basic principles of math are in play. Purchasing decisions require some understanding of budgets and the cost and affordability of items from groceries to houses. Short-term decisions may mean only needing to know cash-at-hand, but bigger purchases may require knowledge of interest rates and amortization charts. Finding a mortgage may be much different than choosing a place to have lunch, but they both cost money and require math.

Pastime Even off-time can be math time. Baseball fans know a lot about statistics, whether they’re considering basic win-loss ratios, batting averages or pitchers' earned-run-averages. Football fans know about yardage gains and passing stats. And individual athletes, whether runners, bikers, sailors or hikers, often have their own ways of charting their progress, from time to mileage to elevation.

Sums in the sun Even when you’re looking to spend some time in the sun maths in everyday life is all around you, because planning a holiday is all about optimisation. Deciding where to visit is just the first of a whole bunch of questions. When is the best time of year to go? How do I get to the airport on time? Can I fit all these clothes in my suitcase? Answering these questions involves working with numbers – hotel prices, flight timetables, suitcase volumes – to come up with the best results.

Once you get there, maths still comes in handy Once you get there, maths still comes in handy. Maths and numbers are universal, so even if you don’t speak the language you can understand prices and times, and mentally converting currencies lets you check whether you’re spending £1 or £10. That certainly helps when you’re picking out souvenirs.

When you buy a car, follow a recipe, or decorate your home, you're using math principles. People have been using these same principles for thousands of years, across countries and continents. Whether you're sailing a boat off the coast of Japan or building a house in Peru, you're using math to get things done. How can math be so universal? First, human beings didn't invent math concepts; we discovered them. Also, the language of math is numbers, not English or German or Russian. If we are well versed in this language of numbers, it can help us make important decisions and perform everyday tasks. Math can help us to shop wisely, buy the right insurance, remodel a home within a budget, understand population growth, or even bet on the horse with the best chance of winning the race.

Importance of Mathematics in Daily Life The importance of mathematics in daily life cannot be questioned.  Mathematics finds its application in the fields of science, technology, economics, business, commerce and computer design and functioning.  These fields may be advanced applications for the layman. However even a simple common man find his math useful in his day to day life.  Consider a housewife going for groceries shopping. She would need to add up the total value of the things she bought and then when she pays the store teller, she needs to calculate how much change should she ask for back.  All that involves math. Even a 2 year old toddler, can tell the difference between a bigger and a smaller toy. That is nothing but math.

The importance of mathematics can be mainly categorized into two.  The first is that it helps man progress in the fields of science and technology.  The second is that it helps us to understand exactly how our universe works.  For the common man, knowledge of mathematics helps him in his personal development, not just at his workplace but also in enhancing his mental abilities.  Mathematics helps the common man to understand how the world around him functions. It also helps him realize how things can be changed for his betterment. The mathematical tools that he can use for this purpose could be logical reasoning, problem solving ability, basic arithmetic

etc. Basically it is the ability to think from various view points that helps him the most. And that itself is a part of mathematics.  Mathematics is very important in our daily life. It finds application in various types of professions, such as science and technology, medical, economic. It is also useful in calculating environmental statistics and for make decisions that affect public in general. Mathematics is basically related to understanding structure and pattern.  It is used to do logical analysis, make relevant calculations and eventually to deduce conclusions.

Practicing mathematics helps a person to be able develop the ability to imagine various situations. Since it helps our imagination, it helps get rid of factors that are less relevant or irrelevant to situations.  So we can think more clearly and our thought process becomes more logic based rather than intuition based.  In simple words, in our day to day life, we need to think more with our mind that with our heart, and mathematics helps us do just that. Simple things like, what time should I leave home to get to office in time that is 5 km from home?  Or how many marks should my child get at the competitive exam so as to secure a seat in xyz institute.  Etc are all examples of how we use math in daily life.