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Veterinary Science CDE

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Presentation on theme: "Veterinary Science CDE"— Presentation transcript:

1 Veterinary Science CDE
Equipment Identification Powerpoint

2 Animal Clippers

3 Backhaus Towel Clamps

4 Balling Gun

5 Bandaging material – Roll gauze

6 Bandaging Material – Vet Wrap

7 Bands (castration or docking)

8 Betadine

9 Bulb Syringe

10 Catch pole (dog snare)

11 Catheter – butterfly

12 Catheter – IV

13 Chain twitch

14 Clipper Blades

15 Cold sterile tray

16 Dehorner

17 Dental equipment (float, retractor or scaler)

18 Disposable hypodermic needles

19 Drench gun

20 Ear notcher

21 Ear tag pliers

22 Ear tags

23 Elastrator

24 Elizabethian collar

25 Emasculators

26 Endotracheal tubes

27 Fecal loop

28 Feeding tube for small animal

29 Fetal extractor

30 forceps

31 Gag mouth speculum

32 Halter and leadrope

33 Hoof equipment

34 Iv equipment

35 Muzzle (commercial)

36 Nail clippers

37 Needle Holder

38 Obstetrical Chain and Handle

39 Paste Gun

40 Pig Tooth Nippers

41 Pill Counting Tray

42 Rumen Magnet

43 Scalpel Blade

44 Scalpel Handle

45 Scissors

46 Silver Nitrate Oxygen Cage

47 Small Animal Oxygen Cage

48 Snook ovariohysterectomy hook

49 Staple remover

50 Stethoscope

51 Surgical drapes

52 Surgical personal protective equipment)

53 Surgical tray

54 Suture equipment

55 Syringe

56 Tattooing instruments-small & large

57 Tourniquet

58 Weight tape

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