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OPENDOORS UK & IRELAND Serving persecuted Christians worldwide OPEN DOORS UK & IRELAND – IRAN 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "OPENDOORS UK & IRELAND Serving persecuted Christians worldwide OPEN DOORS UK & IRELAND – IRAN 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 OPENDOORS UK & IRELAND Serving persecuted Christians worldwide OPEN DOORS UK & IRELAND – IRAN 2010

2 Only 0.35% of the 74 million population are Christians in the Islamic republic of Iran led by Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. Christians are regularly arrested with many reporting mistreatment in prison. Those released are kept under surveillance. Increasing numbers of Iranians from a muslim background are choosing to follow Jesus following dreams, visions, hearing Christian satellite broadcasts and through the witness of other believers. Known Muslim background believers experience discrimination, hardship and physical abuse because of their faith. Some churches have been closed and many services are monitored by the secret police. Open Doors provides Bibles, Christian literature, training and practical support to the persecuted church worldwide. IRAN OPEN DOORS UK & IRELAND – IRAN 2010

3 Sovereign Lord, King of Kings, We praise you that your Spirit is at work amongst the people of Iran. PRAY FOR PERSECUTED CHRISTIANS IN IRAN OPEN DOORS UK & IRELAND – IRAN 2010

4 Thank God For the growth of the Church

5 Thank you that your church is growing and that many people are finding Christ. We pray that many more would meet Jesus, in dreams and visions and through the witness of your people. OPEN DOORS UK & IRELAND – IRAN 2010

6 Ask God to send provision to meet the growing hunger for his word OPEN DOORS UK & IRELAND – IRAN 2010

7 Thank you that there is a growing hunger for your word. Bless those who are seeking to meet this need by providing Bibles and discipleship training. Give wisdom to those involved in Christian satellite TV and radio programmes being transmitted across Iran. OPEN DOORS UK & IRELAND – IRAN 2010

8 Pray that the Christians will stand firm in their faith despite the problems facing them. 3 OPEN DOORS UK & IRELAND – IRAN 2010

9 Thank you that your church is standing firm despite opposition. Give strength to those who face persecution from the authorities or from society to return to Islam. Sustain those who have been arrested and imprisoned for choosing to follow you. OPEN DOORS UK & IRELAND – IRAN 2010

10 Continue the spread of the good news of Jesus Christ throughout the country OPEN DOORS UK & IRELAND – IRAN 2010

11 Lord, we pray that you would strengthen your church to take your gospel to those who are still in darkness and bring them into the light. Let Your kingdom come and Your glory be revealed in Iran. In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen OPEN DOORS UK & IRELAND – IRAN 2010

12 OPENDOORS UK & IRELAND Sign up for: the weekly Email Prayer Alert to pray for persecuted Christians worldwide OPEN DOORS UK & IRELAND –2010

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