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Were celebrating the amazing faith of persecuted Christians who live in countries where following Jesus costs the most… In spite of; their light still.

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Presentation on theme: "Were celebrating the amazing faith of persecuted Christians who live in countries where following Jesus costs the most… In spite of; their light still."— Presentation transcript:


2 Were celebrating the amazing faith of persecuted Christians who live in countries where following Jesus costs the most… In spite of; their light still shines brightly. torture imprisonment deprivation and martyrdom

3 1.North Korea 2.Somalia 3.Syria 4.Iraq 5.Afghanistan 6.Saudi Arabia 7.Maldives 8.Pakistan 9.Iran 10.Yemen In 2014, the top ten countries where its hardest to be a Christian are:

4 Open Doors works alongside Christians in such places – to look after widows and orphans, equip and mentor pastors, counsel people who are traumatised, provide food, education and Bibles. It isnt easy being a Christian in Iran but thats why Im so happy that youre (Open Doors Team) here with me today, encouraging me and teaching me new things. Sheefteh a believer in Iran

5 Thank you Father for the faith of our brothers and sisters who represent you in North Korea, Somalia, Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia, Maldives, Pakistan, Iran and Yemen. We ask you to protect them, encourage them, provide for them and strengthen them. We ask that you bless the money we raise today and the Open Doors workers who will use it to help your family of vulnerable believers. Thank you for all the blessings and freedom we enjoy in this country. Amen

6 £216 will provide a years worth of care for a child who has lost their parents due to persecution £140 can run a safe house for a month, providing a refuge for Christians under threat £75 can provide one months support for a traumatised Christian to help them find healing and grow in their faith This Great Big Tea Party is baking a difference for our persecuted brothers and sisters. Remember them. Pray for them. Generously support them.

7 By getting involved in the Great Big Tea Party you make a big difference to our suffering brothers and sisters, around the world. Your prayers and support shine Gods light into their darkness and give them hope for the future.


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