The Industrial Revolution Harris – Modern World History.


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Presentation transcript:

The Industrial Revolution Harris – Modern World History

Why Did it Start in Britain? The Industrial Revolution began in England and took several years to spread to the rest of the world. There are 5 reasons why it started in England. The Industrial Revolution began in England and took several years to spread to the rest of the world. There are 5 reasons why it started in England. 1. The Agricultural revolution had taken place in the early 1700’s. This increased food supply thus decreasing the price of food. Now people had extra money to spend on manufactured items 2. With more food, the population increased. This meant more people were available to work in factories. 3. Britain was already a wealthy country so people had the money to invest in new factories. 4. Britain had the natural resources of coal and iron ore. 5. Britain had many colonies which they could force to buy their manufactured items. This created a steady demand for goods.

The Textile Industry The textile (cloth) industry was the first to industrialize. The textile (cloth) industry was the first to industrialize. Before the Industrial Revolution, cotton was processed into cloth through what was known as the putting out system. Raw cotton would be shipped in and individuals would come and pick up a load. These women would take it home and spin it into thread. Then they would return to the warehouse where another group of women would pick up the thread and take it home to weave into cloth. Before the Industrial Revolution, cotton was processed into cloth through what was known as the putting out system. Raw cotton would be shipped in and individuals would come and pick up a load. These women would take it home and spin it into thread. Then they would return to the warehouse where another group of women would pick up the thread and take it home to weave into cloth. This was also known as a cottage industry. This was also known as a cottage industry. This process was very slow and done mainly in the women's spare time. This process was very slow and done mainly in the women's spare time.

The Textile Industry The first invention in the textile industry was the flying shuttle. This invention fit on the traditional loom. This sped up weaving to the point that the weavers were going much faster than the spinners. The first invention in the textile industry was the flying shuttle. This invention fit on the traditional loom. This sped up weaving to the point that the weavers were going much faster than the spinners. The next invention was the spinning jenny (1764). This was a machine that could do the work of 16 spinners at one time. Now the thread was being spun faster than the weavers could weave. The next invention was the spinning jenny (1764). This was a machine that could do the work of 16 spinners at one time. Now the thread was being spun faster than the weavers could weave. These inventions were followed by the water loom, spinning mule, and improvements in the steam engines. John Cartwright invented the water loom in James Watt improved the steam engine in These inventions were followed by the water loom, spinning mule, and improvements in the steam engines. John Cartwright invented the water loom in James Watt improved the steam engine in 1782.

Coal and Iron Coal and Iron were the key natural resources in the industrial revolution. Coal and Iron were the key natural resources in the industrial revolution. Iron was useful, but had its limits in the early stage of the revolution. This is because it was full of impurities and therefore was weak. Iron was useful, but had its limits in the early stage of the revolution. This is because it was full of impurities and therefore was weak. In the 1780’s, Henry Cort invented a process known as puddling. In this process coke (cooked coal) was burned at a high temperature. This resulted in most of the impurities being cooked off. This produced iron that was strong and could withstand high pressure from things like steam. In the 1780’s, Henry Cort invented a process known as puddling. In this process coke (cooked coal) was burned at a high temperature. This resulted in most of the impurities being cooked off. This produced iron that was strong and could withstand high pressure from things like steam.

Railroads With the improvements made to the steam engine and iron, large amounts of power were now available to be used for things. This led to the development of the steam locomotive. With the improvements made to the steam engine and iron, large amounts of power were now available to be used for things. This led to the development of the steam locomotive. The first steam locomotive was put to use in It was used to carry iron ore and workers and went 5mph. The first steam locomotive was put to use in It was used to carry iron ore and workers and went 5mph. In 1830, the first train used for public transportation opened in England. It ran from Liverpool to Manchester and went so fast it was called the Rocket. It had a top speed of 16 mph. In 1830, the first train used for public transportation opened in England. It ran from Liverpool to Manchester and went so fast it was called the Rocket. It had a top speed of 16 mph. By 1850, trains were able to go about 50 mph, and England had over 6000 miles of train tracks. By 1850, trains were able to go about 50 mph, and England had over 6000 miles of train tracks. Trains made transportation of goods and people much faster and cheaper. Thus becoming a key part of the industrial revolution. Trains made transportation of goods and people much faster and cheaper. Thus becoming a key part of the industrial revolution.

The Revolution Spreads Britain had attempted to prevent the industrial revolution from spreading to other countries, because the had made so much money from it. To do this, they made it illegal for people to sell plans to foreigners or take/give plans to someone outside of the country. Britain had attempted to prevent the industrial revolution from spreading to other countries, because the had made so much money from it. To do this, they made it illegal for people to sell plans to foreigners or take/give plans to someone outside of the country. This worked for several years. However by the 1800’s most other countries began to see their first factories develop. This worked for several years. However by the 1800’s most other countries began to see their first factories develop. In the United States, the population went from 5 million in 1800, to 30 million in This was from the increased wealth produced though industrialization. In the United States, the population went from 5 million in 1800, to 30 million in This was from the increased wealth produced though industrialization. Other European countries also saw similar population growth. Other European countries also saw similar population growth.

Changes in Society With the industrial revolution came many changes in society. With the industrial revolution came many changes in society. As the population grew and moved from the countryside to the cities, several problems developed. Most of the cities experienced growth that outpaced the abilities of the city planners to keep up. This meant that homes and buildings were built without proper sewer and drainage access. As the population grew and moved from the countryside to the cities, several problems developed. Most of the cities experienced growth that outpaced the abilities of the city planners to keep up. This meant that homes and buildings were built without proper sewer and drainage access. Some cities grew so fast that construction of homes and apartments couldn’t keep up. This meant that living space was very expensive. Both of these things contributed to severe overcrowding. This overcrowding was not only uncomfortable, but dangerous. Many diseases and illnesses were rampant in the city. Some cities grew so fast that construction of homes and apartments couldn’t keep up. This meant that living space was very expensive. Both of these things contributed to severe overcrowding. This overcrowding was not only uncomfortable, but dangerous. Many diseases and illnesses were rampant in the city.

Changes in Society Pollution affected society greatly as well. Trash from homes and industrial waste from factories led to the overall decline in the health of the people. Pollution affected society greatly as well. Trash from homes and industrial waste from factories led to the overall decline in the health of the people. The industrial revolution also made time more important. As factories began to work 24 hours a day, divided into 8 hour shifts, people couldn’t depend on the sun to know what time it was. The industrial revolution also made time more important. As factories began to work 24 hours a day, divided into 8 hour shifts, people couldn’t depend on the sun to know what time it was. The problems associated with industrialization led some intellectuals to call for changes. During this period we begin to see socialism develop as a way to equal the distribution of wealth and benefit the working class. The problems associated with industrialization led some intellectuals to call for changes. During this period we begin to see socialism develop as a way to equal the distribution of wealth and benefit the working class.

The Second Industrial Revolution The first industrial revolution gave us textiles, railroads, iron, and coal. The second industrial revolution was led by steel, chemicals, electricity, and petroleum. The first industrial revolution gave us textiles, railroads, iron, and coal. The second industrial revolution was led by steel, chemicals, electricity, and petroleum. The second industrial revolution was built on the foundation of the first. Many of the theories and ideas about factories and machines led to new developments all over. The second industrial revolution was built on the foundation of the first. Many of the theories and ideas about factories and machines led to new developments all over. This is when we begin to see a truly modern society take shape. This is when we begin to see a truly modern society take shape. The second industrial revolution saw significant contributions from all over the world. The second industrial revolution saw significant contributions from all over the world.

New Inventions Thomas Edison – Edison is one of the most prolific inventers in history, 1,093 in all. His most significant invention was the light bulb. He also invented the phonograph, motion pictures, and a machine to talk to the dead, among many others. Thomas Edison – Edison is one of the most prolific inventers in history, 1,093 in all. His most significant invention was the light bulb. He also invented the phonograph, motion pictures, and a machine to talk to the dead, among many others.

New Inventions Alexander Graham Bell – Invented the telephone in February of Bell submitted his patent on the same day that Elisha Gray submitted a patent for a similar device. Gray was advised by his lawyer to drop his patent because Bell had submitted his first. Gray agreed and Bell was awarded the patent. Alexander Graham Bell – Invented the telephone in February of Bell submitted his patent on the same day that Elisha Gray submitted a patent for a similar device. Gray was advised by his lawyer to drop his patent because Bell had submitted his first. Gray agreed and Bell was awarded the patent.

New Inventions Guglielmo Marconi – Considered the father of the radio. He was the first person to send and receive radio waves over a significant distance. This was significant because it was the first time wireless information had been sent. He did this in 1895 Guglielmo Marconi – Considered the father of the radio. He was the first person to send and receive radio waves over a significant distance. This was significant because it was the first time wireless information had been sent. He did this in 1895

New Inventions Serbian born Nikola Tesla, invented many of the most important things dealing with electricity. He developed the electric motor, the AC electrical grid, and wireless transmission of energy. Serbian born Nikola Tesla, invented many of the most important things dealing with electricity. He developed the electric motor, the AC electrical grid, and wireless transmission of energy.

New Inventions Gottlieb Daimler – The first person to invent a light, portable internal combustion engine. This was able to be placed on a frame and could power wheels. Gottlieb Daimler – The first person to invent a light, portable internal combustion engine. This was able to be placed on a frame and could power wheels.

Organizing the Working Classes As conditions in factories and mines only showed minor improvements, there was a growing push by the working class to win more rights. As conditions in factories and mines only showed minor improvements, there was a growing push by the working class to win more rights. Unions – This is a very basic level of worker organization. Each industry developed a different union, however they often joined with each other to become more powerful. In most countries, unions were originally illegal. Governments saw them as interfering with business and therefore a risk to the economy. Unions – This is a very basic level of worker organization. Each industry developed a different union, however they often joined with each other to become more powerful. In most countries, unions were originally illegal. Governments saw them as interfering with business and therefore a risk to the economy.

Organizing the Working Classes In 1848, Karl Marx wrote The Communist Manifesto. This book, written with Friedrich Engles, discussed the idea that all of history is based on a class struggle. This struggle takes place between the proletariat (working class) and the bourgeoisie (middle class managers). In 1848, Karl Marx wrote The Communist Manifesto. This book, written with Friedrich Engles, discussed the idea that all of history is based on a class struggle. This struggle takes place between the proletariat (working class) and the bourgeoisie (middle class managers). Marx argues that the proletariat should unite and violently overthrow the bourgeoisie. Once this happens, the workers would be in charge of everything. Slowly, government and property would disappear. Worker collectives would run everything and everyone would have the same items, society would be classless. Marx argues that the proletariat should unite and violently overthrow the bourgeoisie. Once this happens, the workers would be in charge of everything. Slowly, government and property would disappear. Worker collectives would run everything and everyone would have the same items, society would be classless. Initially, the government would take over everything. Initially, the government would take over everything. In a socialist society the government would own some means of production. In a socialist society the government would own some means of production.