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A Quick Overview of Languages. FORTRAN Designed in 1955 First release of the compiler in 1957 Algebraic in nature Scientific (numeric not string oriented)

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Presentation on theme: "A Quick Overview of Languages. FORTRAN Designed in 1955 First release of the compiler in 1957 Algebraic in nature Scientific (numeric not string oriented)"— Presentation transcript:

1 A Quick Overview of Languages

2 FORTRAN Designed in 1955 First release of the compiler in 1957 Algebraic in nature Scientific (numeric not string oriented) Card format rules Layou … main then subroutines/functions Implicit variable declaration Initially arithmetic if not logical if Labels with goto statement number not end if

3 Lisp Functional not procedural: also interpreted Simple and concise List processing: atoms and lists Many functions. Two important: car cdr Notice not easy to read Author didn’t do the same problem as example Many features of standard languages hard to find Loops with recursion, etc.

4 Algol Number of variations before standardized Major breakthroughs –block structured –value and reference parameters –procedures could be recursive –dynamic arrays Not revolutionary but more towards today’s general programming languages

5 Cobol Business language Report oriented (compare to previous langs) Rearranging and format oriented. Procedural but barely (no parameters) Four main divisions –identification, environment, data, procedure Database support

6 PL/1 Business needed more numerical power Science needed more sophisticated means of managing volumes of results PL/1 was to be THE universal language Introduction of –pointers, exception handling, concurrency

7 Algol 68 and Pascal PL/1 was not as orthogonal as desired Algol 68 resolved that but was never widely accepted. Pascal was a small variant of Algol 60 developed for teaching. It did not contain all features that a professional developer needed. –Passing arrays as parameters awkward.. One size/type only –managing large systems of routines/libraries

8 C Grew out of UNIX/Bell Labs in 70s Predecessor was used to design UNIX Many who studied UNIX, learned c Language without many constraints –no type check on parameters/addresses Free distribution with UNIX For years no standard existed c++ improvements made it more widely acceptable in 1990

9 Prolog Logic programming not procedural Rule based Database flavor AI applications

10 Ada Move by DOD to minimize the problem of managing all of government code subcontracted in so many different languages Massive effort. Most thought the government would drive programming in that direction. NOT Good for exception handling and encapsulation Limited object-oriented language

11 Smalltalk “Pure” Object oriented Basis of comparison for all languages which claim to be object-oriented Objects passing messages model includes an environment for development C++ Object oriented extensions Cleans up and standardizes c

12 Java Platform independent Interpreted by Java virtual machine Web based to spread load to client side Security is important Also runs outside of web –applets in web –applications outside

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