The Evolution of the Object Model OOAD. The Evolution of the Object Model software engineering trends observed The shift in focus from programming-in-the-small.


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Presentation transcript:

The Evolution of the Object Model OOAD

The Evolution of the Object Model software engineering trends observed The shift in focus from programming-in-the-small to programming-in-the- large The evolution of high-order programming languages Most new industrial-strength software systems are larger and more complex than their predecessors growth in complexity has prompted research in software engineering, particularly with regard to decomposition, abstraction, and hierarchy

programming languages generations arranged according to the language features First-Generation Languages ( ) FORTRAN-I Mathematical expressions ALGOL 58 Mathematical expressions Flowmatic Mathematical expressions IPL V Mathematical expressions Focus - mathematical formulas step closer to the problem space, and a step further away from the machine (binary & assembly)

programming languages generations arranged according to the language features Second-Generation Languages (1959~1961) FORTRAN-II Subroutines, separate compilation ALGOL 60 Block structure, data types COBOL Data description, file handling Lisp List processing, pointers, garbage collection emphasis was upon algorithmic abstractions. New class of application “business applications” is considered focus was largely upon telling the machine what to do

programming languages generations arranged according to the language features Third-Generation Languages ( ) PL/1 FORTRAN + ALGOL + COBOL ALGOL 68 Rigorous successor to ALGOL 60 Pascal Simple successor to ALGOL 60 Simula Classes, data abstraction Due to the advent of transistors and then IC technology Cost Dropped Processing Power Increased Which implies that – Larger problems could now be solved, but these demanded the manipulation of more kinds of data Thus, ALGOL 60 and, later, Pascal evolved with support for data abstraction

programming languages generations arranged according to the language features programmer could describe the meaning of related kinds of data (their type) and let the programming language enforce these design decisions Thus, today we have Smalltalk (a revolutionary successor to Simula), Ada (a successor to ALGOL 68 and Pascal, with contributions from Simula, Alphard, and CLU) CLOS (which evolved from Lisp, LOOPS, and Flavors), C++ (derived from a marriage of C and Simula), and Eiffel (derived from Simula and Ada) Java & C#

What is of the greatest interest to us is the class of languages we call object-based and object-oriented Because they support the object-oriented decomposition of software

programming languages generations arranged according to the language features The Generation Gap ( ) Many different languages were invented, but few continued

PL Topology Topology means the basic physical building blocks of the language and how those parts can be connected

The Topology of First- and Early Second-Generation Programming Languages basic physical building block of all applications is the subprogram (or paragraph) Example PL: FORTRAN, COBOL consisting only of global data (exposed to all) and subprograms During design, one can logically separate different kinds of data from one another, but there is no PL support that can enforce these design decisions.

The Topology of First- and Early Second-Generation Programming Languages contains a tremendous amount of cross-coupling among subprograms, implied meanings of data, and twisted flows of control, thus threatening the reliability of the entire system and certainly reducing the overall clarity of the solution.

The Topology of Late Second- and Early Third-Generation Programming Languages People accepted the concept of Procedural Abstraction Earlier the Sub-programs were seen simply as a labor-saving devices realization that subprograms could serve as an abstraction mechanism had three important consequences languages were invented that supported a variety of parameter passing mechanisms. the foundations of structured programming were laid, manifesting themselves in language support for the nesting of subprograms and the development of theories regarding control structures and the scope and visibility of declarations. structured design methods emerged, offering guidance to designers trying to build large systems using subprograms as basic physical building blocks

The Topology of Late Second- and Early Third-Generation Programming Languages but it still fails to address the problems of programming-in-the-large and data design

The Topology of Late Third-Generation Programming Languages Another important structuring mechanism evolved to address the growing issues of programming-in-the-large. Larger programming projects meant larger development teams, and thus the need to develop different parts of the same program independently answer to this need was the separately compiled module PL supported modular structure, but, no support to check semantic consistency among module interfaces (Prototype & Call)

The Topology of Late Third-Generation Programming Languages Almost no support for data abstraction and strong typing errors could be detected only during execution

The Topology of Object-Based and Object-Oriented Programming Languages data-driven design emerged theories regarding the concept of a type appeared

Object Based vs. Object Oriented PL