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Review Performance Management and Appraisal

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1 Review Performance Management and Appraisal

2 Comparing Performance Appraisal and Performance Management
Evaluating an employee’s current and/or past performance relative to his or her performance standards. Performance management The process employers use to make sure employees are working toward organizational goals. Employees’ individual goals point towards overall strategic direction

3 Purpose of Performance Management and Appraisal
Strategic Purpose Administrative Purpose Developmental Purpose

4 Steps in Appraising Performance
Defining the job Making sure that you and your subordinate agree on his or her duties and job standards. Here’s where that job description comes in handy.. Appraising performance Comparing your subordinate’s actual performance to the standards that have been set; this usually involves some type of rating form. Providing feedback Discussing the subordinate’s performance and progress, and making plans for any development required.

5 Performance Measures Criteria
Strategic Congruence; consistent with strategy, goals, and culture Validity; assesses the relevant aspects of job Reliability; measurement consistency Acceptability; fair measurement Specificity ; detail guidance

6 Who Should Do the Appraising?
The immediate supervisor Peers Rating committees Employee’s supervisor and 2-3 other supervisors Self-ratings Subordinates Customer 360-Degree feedback

7 Approaches to Measuring Performance
Comparative approach Attribute approach Behavioral approach Results approach Quality approach

8 Comparative Approach Forced Distribution Ranking Paired Comparison
Similar to grading on a curve; predetermined percentages of ratees are placed in various performance categories. Example: 15% high performers 20% high-average performers 30% average performers 20% low-average performers 15% low performers Ranking Ranking employees from best to worst on a particular trait, choosing highest, then lowest, until all are ranked. Paired Comparison Ranking employees by making a chart of all possible pairs of the employees for each trait and indicating which is the better employee of the pair.

9 Alternation Ranking Scale

10 Ranking Employees by the Paired Comparison Method
Note: + means “better than.” − means “worse than.” For each chart, add up the number of 1’s in each column to get the highest-ranked employee.

11 Attribute Approach Graphic Rating Scale Mixed-standard Scale
A scale that lists a number of traits and a range of performance for each that is used to identify the score that best describes an employee’s level of performance for each trait. Mixed-standard Scale

12 Graphic Rating Scale with Space for Comments
Figure 9–3 © 2005 Prentice Hall Inc. All rights reserved.

13 Portion of an Administrative Secretary’s Sample Performance Appraisal Form

14 Performance Management Outline

15 Performance Management Outline (cont’d)

16 Performance Management Outline (cont’d)

17 Behavioral Approach Critical Incident
Behaviorally Anchored Rating Scale An appraisal method that uses quantified scale with specific narrative examples of good and poor performance. Behavioral Observation Scales Assessment Center

18 Example of a Behaviorally Anchored Rating Scale for the Dimension Salesmanship Skill

19 Result Approach Management by Objectives
Involves setting specific measurable goals with each employee and then periodically reviewing the progress made. Set the organization’s goals. Set departmental goals. Discuss departmental goals. Define expected results (set individual goals). Performance reviews. Provide feedback. Biggest problem with MBO’s is when they are vague or unclear

20 Advantages and Disadvantages of Appraisal Tools

21 Potential Rating Scale Appraisal Problems
Unclear standards An appraisal that is too open to interpretation. Halo effect Occurs when a supervisor’s rating of a subordinate on one trait biases the rating of that person on other traits. Central tendency A tendency to rate all employees the same way, such as rating them all average.

22 A Graphic Rating Scale with Unclear Standards
Note: For example, what exactly is meant by “good,” “quantity of work,” and so forth?

23 Potential Rating Scale Appraisal Problems (cont’d)
Strictness/leniency The problem that occurs when a supervisor has a tendency to rate all subordinates either high or low. Bias The tendency to allow individual differences such as age, race, and sex to affect the appraisal ratings employees receive.

24 How to Avoid Appraisal Problems
Learn and understand the potential problems, and the solutions for each. Use the right appraisal tool. Each tool has its own pros and cons. Train supervisors to reduce rating errors such as halo, leniency, and central tendency. Have raters compile positive and negative critical incidents as they occur. PAY ATTENTION

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